Rich Devman

I am an seo, website developer and internet marketer. I love this work more than anything else in the world. It's my life's passion. I live and breathe for it. I'm always looking for new ways to improve my skills and help my clients achieve their online marketing goals.

SEO in 2022

These days, the first thing you do even while you’re still thinking about a particular problem or location or idea is to search for it on Google. Google is your go-to solution for almost all the problems you think technology has an answer to. According to research, 61% of marketers refer to SEO as a

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Why SEO Matters

The world is evolving and digital marketing is no more just a display of knowledge and modernity. Digital marketing is fast becoming the backbone that every business needs to thrive and outperform others. It is now an effective tool that businesses use to sell their products and services and reach out to their target audiences.

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